What is a Bar Model?
In essence, Bar Modelling is a way to illustrate a problem by using bars. Doesn’t seem that interesting or revolutionary right?

Maths Mastery in Action
The term ‘maths mastery has been branded around for over 100 years’ and we still seem fairly unsure about what it means. Teaching to mastery has various elements, one of which is exceptional questioning. Watch our short clip of Mohi delivering a lesson to a Year 5 class below.
Created & delivered by trusted and experienced teacher trainers.
Loved by teachers teaching maths to mastery in schools.
“This was very effective training which allowed teachers to confidently teach maths using bar modelling.”
What will you see in your class?
Being a school committed to maths mastery & the bar model approach means you will see some amazing changes.
Here are just some of those changes we’ve seen in many schools all over England and the world.
When children ‘see’ maths, they are much more confident to share their ideas and participate in class discussions.
Mastering the bar model approach will see an incredible upsurge in children flourishing in problem-solving.
Seeing maths and exploring the ‘why’ and not just the ‘how’ elevates understanding for the whole class.
Can you imagine some of your children who struggle in maths are now able to articulate their ideas?
When challenging questions are given, being able to visualise the problem makes a huge difference.
Growth Mindset
A massive part of learning is to have that ‘growth mindset’ we all talk about. Our training delivers on this in abundance.
Great to see thriving and engaged staff!
…great to see how engaged the staff were – talk was focussed on Maths & there were many light bulb moment & peer on peer explanations too! I also quite liked that ‘I got it’ in front of my colleagues, always great to lead by example.
Sandar Voisey,
Laurel Lane Primary
…So much to be thinking about.
So useful to understand how bar modelling can help children and then practically how to introduce it, build it, the language which accompanies it, the different bar models, and where you can take it – so much to be thinking about.
Jane Scott-Gall,
Deputy Headteacher
Marner Primary School
Teaching & support staff were all engaged.
It was very engaging and challenging. It really made you think about our teaching approach to mathematical concepts. All staff were engaged – teaching and support staff. You knew straight away that it would have a big impact on pupil progress.
Kate Crawford,
Milford on Sea Primary
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