You will love using and showing your class our incredible animated videos that we have created just for you! We know bar modelling can be a struggle to kick-start in your community. Whether it’s you, your teachers or your pupils, these animated videos are unique and support your understanding of different approaches. Our video library compromises of questions and animated bar model solutions for  Year 1 to Year 9 and even a GCSE past paper question.

This purchase gives your school access to all our animated videos (Over 60). We are continuously adding more animated videos to our collection so watch out for more cool animated videos!

Check out one of our videos below.





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Animated Video Library (Individuals)

Our animated library has 60+ animated videos where a question is asked at the beginning and then an animated bar model solution is given. The videos include 30 worksheets aligned to 30 strategies found in the videos + solutions + homework + homework solutions. Watch a sample video below.

£49.00 for 1 year

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