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Advanced Bar Modelling Problems

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In our Advanced Bar Modelling course, we focus on upper KS2 and KS3 type of questions but which are, in many cases, very challenging questions in which even many GCSE pupils will struggle on. This course is suitable for teachers who have already been through our first day of bar modelling training.

So what do we cover in this session?

  • Challenging KS2 questions
  • KS3 questions which also come up in the GCSE curriculum
  • Before and After situations
  • Complex before and after situations
  • Hint and tips on how to break down questions
  • teaching basic algebra using bar modelling
  • Unconventional questions where using Bar Models help
  • ….and much more!


Mark has three times as many coins as Lee. If Mark gives 63 coins to Lee, they both will have the same number of coins. How many coins does Mark have?

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The above video is an example of a simple before and after situation question. Try it out without bar models and see if the bar model approach makes any sense!

This bar model approach comes into most Singapore Maths books at around Year 5 and teaching the approach can be very challenging. Our training goes through effective ways you could break this down, scaffold and then let go for your pupils in your class.

Our training is led by experienced trainers who have a history of excellence in teaching and training in the subject. The Bar Model approach is very new to England and therefore we have seen many issues with schools using free resources made by organisations who do not have as much experience in the approach as some of our consultants and trainers. Our trainers are not only passionate about the approach but some have also been in a bar modelling environment since their own primary education before becoming a teacher in Singapore and now in England. This is why we feel we are in the ideal position to support your school.

Booking your Advanced Bar Modelling training

Are you ready to Bar Model? To book your Advanced Bar Modelling CPD session, complete the short contact form by following the link below.

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